Identify if your employees are struggling with their mental health

Tuesday, 6th October 2020 15:47

The Office for National Statics state that feeling stressed or anxious was the most common way adults experiencing some form of depressions felt their well-being was being affected, with 94.9% stating this, and according to mind 8 in 10 people get diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depression in any given week in England.

One of the issues with the pandemic is burnout. There’s a lot more stress at the moment. Work patterns have changed, hours reduced, people are working from home, and so much more. Burnout is defined by WHO as “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

It is easy to see how employees would suffer from burnout, even day-to-day life has been affected. Normal life has been changed, and continues to change.

How can identecoHR help you?

At identecoHR we also offer out identeco Time & Attendance toolkit. This toolkit allows users to generate schedules and comprehensive reports specific to their business needs. Our toolkit will calculate the Bradford Factor, overtime worked and later starts.

These reports would help you see if someone was potentially at risk of burnout; Has an employee worked an extra 10 hours per week to get on top of things? Has someone come to work later than usual? All of these could hint to employee burnout or mental health issues.

Our toolkit removes the time consuming administrative tasks and laborious data entry, giving you more time to focus on your employee’s mental well-being, helping you to understand why a staff member may be late or working over, and working with them to improve their situation.

If you are reading this and you are or think you might be, suffering from a mental health illness, you aren’t alone, please speak to someone.


Mind Charity: How common are mental health problems? Mental health facts and statistics

The Office for National Statistics: People, population and community, well-being: Coronavirus and depression in adults, Great Britain: June 2020

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