Are you clear on your sick pay policy?

Wednesday, 11th March 2020 11:26

Coronavirus self-isolation could plunge 6.5 million British workers into financial difficulty.

In order to slow down the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the government has advised those that have come into contact with the virus should self-isolate but for some UK workers, time off from work isn’t a viable option with many of the UK’s workforce not eligible for statutory sick pay. Are we risking the spread of the virus as British workers refuse to self-isolate because they can’t afford to stay at home?

A recent report from the Citizen’s Advice has urged the government to protect vulnerable 6.5 million British workers as the virus takes hold in the UK. The figure is made up of the UK’s 5 million self-employed and 1.5 million of those in low-income jobs where eligibility for statutory sick pay falls beneath the threshold set by the government.

The Citizen’s Advice is urging the government to promote and clarify how statutory sick pay works and to provide financial support for those who are plunged into financial hardship if they are not applicable for sick pay – private or statutory. The report continued that agency workers and people on zero-hour contracts could be unclear about their eligibility for sick pay.

Companies have a duty to protect all their employees and need to provide clear guidelines as to their own sick leave policy and what alternative options are available should staff not be eligible for company sick pay. For more information on statutory sick pay, click here.

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